
On the journey, besides enjoying the scenery, I prefer to visit the local markets.

🎆Actually, besides sightseeing and visiting historical sites, I quite enjoy strolling around local markets or grocery stores during my travels. In my opinion, these places are always the most down-to-earth parts of a city. 🎆Here, I can see the living conditions of the lowest level of people in a city, who are struggling but also enjoying the pleasures of life. They exchange the most basic labor for their family's needs, a simple meal, and the joy of being together with their loved ones. 🎆Here, I can taste the most authentic local cuisine of a city, such as drinking milk tea with locals in a small tea shop and eating hand-pulled rice at a street vendor in Varanasi, India, buying plums for 3-4 yuan per kilogram at a market in Sevastopol, and tasting chickpea rice for less than five yuan at a market in Damascus. However, in the market in Lebanon, I had to spend more than 30 yuan to buy a meat roll. 🎆Here, I can also encounter the rivers and lakes of a city. In the markets of Iran, passionate people will always offer you food. In the markets of Cairo, Egypt, you will always encounter cheap things that will rip you off. And in the markets of Jordan, you always have to bargain for half an hour with the Bedouin people to buy a handmade carpet. 🎆Yes! There are many such moments in my travels. They may not be as stunning as the scenery, but they are often overlooked by many travelers. Yet, they are the most vibrant part of a city, don't you think so?
*Created by local travelers and translated by AI.
Posted: Jan 20, 2023
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