Вторая часть к одному и тому же отелю. Если проблему с заселением удалось решить, хоть и потратить время, то справится с шумом и невозможностью нормально выспаться так и не удалось. В отеле все несколько дней праздновали свадьбу, и на открытой террасе, как раз под нашими окнами постоянно играла громкая музыка (заселили нас на 4й этаж).
Из достоинств, можно указать, что в номере был утюг и доска. На этом всё😄
The overall experience was great . A commendable experience and a perfect culmination of hygiene and quality makes it more pleasurable Our carnival day was a perfect blend of joy and excitement. The family enjoyed every bit of function and we are really thank ful
เข้าพักเมื่อ ม.ค. 2025
โพสต์เมื่อ 4 ก.พ. 2025
The Ramada name doesn’t mean much. Rooms are dirty with urine smell and moldy bathrooms. Pool is closed indefinitely. Location is terrible with nowhere safe to walk. Only plusses are the bottled water and decent on site restaurant, which is necessary because there is nowhere else to go without a half hour Uber, which you have to wait half an hour for because the hotel is in an Uber dead zone. Do not recommend this hotel.
เข้าพักเมื่อ ธ.ค. 2024
โพสต์เมื่อ 22 ม.ค. 2025
I really enjoyed each and every moment of my function because Yash Gandhi made each function to go through very smoothly. Our request were fulfilled on time and he take care of each minute things by himself. Some of our function ended late night he was there to make sure everything went smooth. Our whole family was very happy with the staff and personally with Yash the way he was handling the things. I personally recommend if you are planning destination or residence wedding you should give it a shot.