4 กุมภาพันธ์ 2025
Excellent room, excellent location and atmosphere of the hotel.
Staff however, too often, go according to the 'book', and find it hard to think and improvise on the spot. It's as if they are under trained. When checking in there is no need to ask the guest to fill info on the iPad. You have this info, to stay in touch, already. Don't burden the weary traveler with trivial nonsense. If the sun shines, finally after weeks of grey and rain, and a guest sees the patio with tables in the sun, and this guest wants to have tea in the sun outside in the patio, this has to be a possibility. Don't say, well it's not the season so it's closed, it doesn't make sense, you're a top hotel, not the vander Valk. Improvise, think on your feet, explain that he is welcome to sit there and that his tea will be brought out, but it might take a few minutes longer. This way the guest feels listened to and that the moon is even possible.
The kitchen is incredible, the food is wonderful. Last evening I had dinner at the Jansz., two ladies working, were very kind, helpful and attentive, they understood the delicate balance between asking how things are going and leaving the guest alone. I want them to know i appreciate them. Please extend my gratitude to them. Also the Asian looking lady who worked during breakfast this morning, was excellent. Please let her know as well. Finally, the staff at the entrance - getting cabs etc. - are great. Some of the male staff are too - in Dutch, popy yoopy. I am your guest and not your friend. That's all, and that's enough.
Thank you for a great stay and I hope to come back again when I am back in the Netherlands.
Kind regards,
Diederik Lugt